Become a Cadet

If you are at least 12 years old, up to and including 18 years old, you are eligible to join Cadets. Cadets should be prepared to attend weekly training at the squadron, to ensure that they progress through the program. Cadets is a free program, however Parents and cadets are expected to participate in the squadron's fundraising initiatives.
Cadets and their families are welcome to visit the squadron on a regular training night, which run every Thursday evening from 1830 hrs to 2115 hrs (6:30 - 9:15 p.m.), to get a better sense of the program.
Please contact us ahead of time if you plan to visit the squadron, or if you have any questions about the program.​
Full uniforms are lent to cadets, free of charge. While new cadets wait to receive their issued uniforms, we ask that you meet the hair standards, and wear black dress pants, a white collared shirt (tucked in), and black shoes. You may also wear a black tie.
What Cadets do
Who are we? Over 57 000 youth, aged 12-18, supervised and led by over 9000 military and civilian members; supported by their communities, sponsors, the Canadian Armed Forces, and the Navy, Army Cadet and Air Cadet Leagues of Canada.
Where can you find us? In over 1200 Cadet Corps and Squadrons in over 800 communities from coast-to-coast-to-coast. Cadets also gain experience at 22 Cadet Training Centres, 32 sailing sites, 34 expedition sites and 59 flying sites and across the country.
When can you find us? Cadets generally run activities one night per week, and one weekend per month, with additional opportunities for unique experiences during the summer and throughout the year.
How do we do it? By offering the experience of a peer-led program that is open to all youth, in a safe, yet challenging environment focusing on unique activities that will leave a positive lifelong impact.
Why are we doing it? We strengthen Canadian communities by investing in youth and developing community leaders.

Shaping the Leaders of Tomorrow


Building a Stronger Future